About Us

Why Choose Hoop Mountain Student Advisors?

We know it’s a very daunting task to navigate the world of high school and college basketball on your own. And the fact is, the vast majority of student-athletes don’t realize their basketball potential.

That’s where we can help. We are highly specialized in the field of young men’s and women’s basketball, placing hundreds of student-athletes in prep schools and colleges. Our team provides families with expert counseling, guidance, mentorship, and institutional insight to give them a competitor’s edge. We partner with each student-athlete and their family, creating a customized plan for basketball success.

With over 37 years experience working in men’s and women’s basketball, we’ve seen every possible roadblock that student-athletes might encounter. We have an extensive track record of assisting families through the various challenges that arise throughout the process.

Here’s Where We’ve Successfully Placed Student-Athletes

From top prep schools and colleges, here’s a partial list of where Hoop Mountain Student Advisors has successfully placed student-athletes:

Prep Schools

  • Avon Old Farms
  • Brooks
  • Choate
  • Cheshire Academy
  • Deerfield
  • Groton School
  • Lawrence Academy
  • Loomis Chaffee School
  • Marianapolis Prep
  • Milton
  • Middlesex School
  • Noble and Greenough School
  • Northfield Mt. Hermon
  • Philip’s Andover
  • Philip’s Exeter
  • Pingree
  • St. Andrew’s Winchendon
  • St. Paul’s
  • St. John’s
  • St. Mark’s
  • St. George’s
  • Suffield Academy
  • Taft School
  • Worcester Academy
  • Williston North Hampton


  • Amherst
  • Bates
  • Babson
  • Bowdoin
  • Brown
  • Brandeis
  • Boston College
  • Boston University
  • Bucknell
  • Carnegie Mellon
  • Chicago
  • Colby
  • Columbia
  • Connecticut College
  • Emory
  • Harvard
  • Holy Cross
  • Hamilton
  • Miami
  • New York University
  • Rochester
  • Roger Williams
  • Skidmore
  • Trinity
  • Tufts
  • Tampa
  • UPenn
  • Williams
  • Wheaton
  • Yale

Plan Your basketball Future

Discover How We Can Help you today

We invite you to learn more by scheduleing your complimentary consultation with a member of our expert team to determine eligibility.